Ingelia was very honoured to receive EuropaBio’s recognition for the most innovative SMEs in the industrial biotechnology category. The award ceremony took place at the Stanhope Hotel in Brussels on 6 November 2019.
The event was attended by high-level representatives of the European biotech industry, EU policy makers, venture capital funds and other leaders of the biotech community. Marisa Hernandez (CEO of Ingelia) presented Ingelia and its biotech innovation in a 5-minute speech. Six European SMEs (CARBIOLICE (FR), Ingelia (ESP), Biome Makers (ESP), BiomassProtein (DK), Mogrify (UK) and Confo Therapeutics (BE)) were shortlisted for the awards and this year's Q&A was attended by a high-level jury and audience.
MEP Andrius Kubilius of the European Parliament attended the Ceremony and made a speech focusing on the importance of BioTech Industries for Europe and Carlo Pettinelli, Director of Consumer Technologies, Environment and Health of the European Commission (DG GROW) highlighted the importance of focusing on reducing CO2 emissions.
A very interesting presentation by Karen Bernstein, co-founder and president of BioCentury, closed the session. Thank you EuropaBio for this recognition!