The Champignon Technology Centre of La Rioja has published an interview with the director of the centre, Margarita Pérez, on YouTube, which is available at the following link: INTERVIEW || MARGA PÉREZ, DIRECTOR OF THE MUSHROOM RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY CENTRE IN LA RIOJA ( .
Ingelia participates in the Champlast project, whose main objective is the development of a specific biodegradable film for use in mushroom cultivation and the valorisation of the mushroom post-cultivation substrate using hydrothermal carbonisation technology (HTC), developed by Ingelia, for the manufacture of fertiliser.
The project, which has been funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food in the call for innovation projects of general interest by operational groups of the European Association for Innovation in agricultural productivity and sustainability, has a budget of €577,487.81 and a completion date of March 2025, and has public aid of €560,868.95 (97.1% of the budget).